US Anime Singer Stephanie Yanez Anime Cover Album Worldwide Release


(LOS ANGELES, CA) September 1st, 2016 ­ Jpop singer, pioneering Anisong artist and international model Stephanie Yanez has just announced her worldwide release of her Anime cover album “HANEDA INTERNATIONAL ANIME MUSIC FESTIVAL Presents Stephanie Yanez” courtesy of HAF RECORDS.

This announcement follows the release of Stephanie’s physical CD release “ganisong” in Japan.
She has teamed up with Doki Press and Japanese producer/guitarist Polo Yazaki to create a special video project highlighting some of the songs acoustically featured on the album. Anime songs from Neon Genesis Evangelion, Naruto, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Gintama, and Durarara!! are featured in the new release.
Watch Anime Acoustic Medley here:


TRACKLISTING for Stephanie Yanez #1:
1. 裏切りの夕焼け ­ Uragiri No Yuuyake (Durarara!!)
2. 遥か彼方 ­ Haruka Kanata (Naruto)
3. 残酷な天使のテーゼ ­ A Cruel Angel’s Thesis (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
4. Mr. Raindrop (Gintama)
5. Lost My Music (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)

GOMA STUDIO(LOVERIN TAMBURIN’s management company), established HAF RECORDS which artists from all over the world are discovered and or/are related to HANEDA INTERNATIONAL ANIME MUSIC FESTIVAL as an indie label.