Twelve Nights (a J!-ENT DVD Review)

Not a film to watch if you are on a verge of a breakup.  Overall, an average film at best.

TITLE: Twelve Nights

CAST: Eason Chan, Cecilia Cheung, Candy Lo, Nicola Cheung


PRODUCED BY:  Peter Chan

DURATION: 91 minutes

COMPANY: UNIVERSE DVD version with removable English subtitles (All Region)

When Jeannie sets eyes on Alan, she thinks she has finally found the love of her life. She gives a hundred percent of herself, but when loves slips away, she is left with nothing but a bitter smile. Twelve particular nights, from falling in love to drifting apart to tentative separation and, finally to the inevitable split, these nocturnal passages encapsulate the entire experience.

I understand that many people are going to watch this movie expecting a romantic movie about a couple who are having their share of difficulties.  Many people are expecting the typical love story that you see from many movies but “12 Nights” is not of those movies.

This movie is a unique story that goes into the faults of relationships and people who have had relationships similar to the two characters are going to have their eyes widened and think of their past relationships and say…”My gosh…that’s me!”

I have had similar relationships with similar situations seen in this movie. In the beginning, relationships are new and beautiful but sometimes with certain people, it can be suffocating.  How many times have you met friends or even yourself ask the question of why do I need to be in a relationship?  What is it that I want?  Why is it when I say I love you, the person doesn’t say it back?

As much as this movie takes the negative aspects of relationships to make an anti-relationship.  This movie is not targeted in my opinion for people who are looking for a relationship movie or a major plot. This movie is for people who have experienced relationships such as these characters in depth and during the movie you actually start thinking of the past relationships that are similar to this movie and wonder if you or that other person was a jerk.

This is not a movie to watch if you just broke up with someone either.  It’s one of those movies that after time has past, a good way to evaluate your own past relationships and mistakes and see it on screen, this time Cecilia or Eason is playing a part of you.

I think it’s a film that few will truly understand but that’s ok.  Hopefully for those who didn’t get it are doing a lot better in their relationships than the characters in this movie.

As for the DVD, the video quality looked good during the dark scenes. I really wasn’t keeping an eye out for artifacts though.  The sound was typical for a dialogue film.  The DVD special features is typical for other Universe DVD releases with information and trailers, nothing major.


  • English/Chinese removable subtitles
  • Synopsis and cast info.
  • Trailers for “12 Nights”, “Tokyo Raiders” and “When I fall in love with both”

All in all, if you can rent it, then rent it.  But if your relationship mimics what I have mentioned in this review or what you have read in the summary, then this movie is probably worth the purchase.