TV TALK – Tuesday Musings (Oct. 28, 2008) – 90210, Privileged,

I started my Tuesday TV watching with “Real Housewives of Atlanta” on Bravo.  I have never watched the Atlanta version of “Real Housewives” but I figured, why not give it a try. It definitely caught my attention and probably will continue to watch every Tuesday.

Off to the CW and after weeks of repeats, finally a new episode of “90210” with episode 8 titled “There’s No Place Like Homecoming” and continues from the last episode in which Adrianna survives her drug overdose and now put into rehab (courtesy of an anonymous person). As for Annie and Naomi, they become good friends and Annie joins the cool group but what happens when Naomi finds out that there is more to the friendship between her ex-boyfriend Ethan and Annie.

Personally, I thought we would see a death (with Adrianna), sort of like the emotional impact the old “Beverly Hills 90210” (for those who remember that accidental shotgun shot that killed David Silver’s friend). Otherwise, for Navid fans, you get to see more of Navid in this episode.

Then it was time for episode 7 of “Privileged” with “All About Haves and Have-Nots” featuring Rose and Sage having dinner with Megan and her father (whom Megan is not really close with) and her sister Lilly (who Megan does not get along with). Otherwise, an interesting dinner and as much as I really enjoy that show, I had a few problems with it. For Megan’s sister Lily, the last episode, we were left knowing that her sister is a thief and stole Rose’s bracelet. But yet, at the dinner party, Lily wears the bracelet (which she gets caught by Rose’s sister Sage and outed).

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Obviously, Lily has some lying and stealing issues but for her to come back and wear it in front of her family and the people she stole it from, definitely hope to see a Lilly-driven storyline and find out what is wrong with her.

After “Privileged”, went to my DVR and watch shows I’ve recorded weeks ago. I watched a History Channel episode titled “Crime Wave: 18th Month of Mayhem” on the 1930’s and the crime spree during the Great Depression when John Dillinger, Machine Gun Kelly, Baby Face Nelson, and Bonnie and Clyde were stealing from the banks, killing cops and feds and because the nation’s displeasure of banks and the government (Because they lost their money they had in the banks – Note: During that time, a person’s money was not insured), people during the 1930’s supported and applauded the “Public Enemy” criminals and almost held them up to superstar status.

I was blown away to find out and see so many people who really thought of these criminals as rockstars and so many would go in line to see the open caskets of these criminals after they were caught and killed.

Also, surprised that each time they were apprehended and jailed, they escaped. Literally by the criminals going to the police stations which only several cops were working late and thus overpowering them and freeing the criminals.

All in all, a pretty good documentary worth catching!