TV Talk: December 29, 2008 – The City

Yesterday was the premiere of “The City” starring Whitney Port (of “The Hills”) and friends/co-workers in New York City. Last night, we got a double dose of Whitney’s life in NYC, starting on her new job in public relations for the fashion industry at Diane von Furstenberg and we also got a bit of drama in the second episode.

In the first episode titled “If She Can Make It Here…”, pretty much an introduction episode of Whitney, her boyfriend Jay and her co-workers.

In the second episode titled “The Truth Will Set You Free” features Whitney meeting up with a model guy Alan she once dated (this was featured on “The Hills”). Alan tells her that her current boyfriend is messing around with her ex behind her back and it sets up tense confrontation between Jay and Alan.

Hmm…I have a few thoughts on this series especially the people in it but I’ll hold off since I really want to see a few more episodes before I comment. Overall, I’m digging the show. Will need to see a few more episodes and see what happens here on then…. I dig Whitney and it’s great to see her have her own show! Look forward to more episodes.

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