The One about the Brave One – 8.29.08

Beverly Hills That’s Where I Want To Be…Maybe?

My day started out with a friend informing me of former co-workers that were laid off from their jobs.

It is no surprise that we hear about economic woes and how things are growing costly for many corporations and employers and thus, these layoffs happen quite often and those past years of job stability, where can you find job stability?

But today, I was asked a few times how long I can stay in this area which has been heavily impacted by these economic times.  I seriously don’t know.  But I found it quite interesting is our discussion of, if I wanted to move to Beverly Hills or a city nearby.

I entertained the thought as I’ve enjoyed living in Southern California but we’ll see.


Ughh….109 degrees today and the day before I think.  It’s incredibly hot and when you hear friends from the Bay Area talk about how hot it is… it’s hot.

But aside from this ridiculous heat, I have been watching the news on the various hurricanes and just hope we do not see a repeat of Katrina.  If anything, no repeat of any massive destruction caused by the hurricanes or high winds.

There are too many people in the South who are rebuilding or just finally getting over the loss of a home, family member or friend from Katrina and I just don’t want to see Gustav causing any major damage.  As of now, CNN reports has the hurricane over Cuba and becoming a Category 2.

Gov. Sarah Palin

I have been reading the various posts on, various political segments on news shows,, twitter and a variety of message boards in regards to Alaska Governor Sarah Palin who was recently picked as John McCain’s running mate for the Presidential race.   I’ll keep my lips mum for now because I think it will be an interesting race.

The Brave One

I’ve been wanting to watch this film starring Jodi Foster. The Neill Jordan directed film is about Erica Bain, a radio host known for her essays who is a crime victim trying to cope the real world after she and her fiance (played by Naveen Andrews of “LOST” fame) and her were brutally assaulted by thugs during a romantic walk at the park.

Erica Bain, scared of the dirty filth that corrupts the city, purchases a gun.  And through a variety of events, Jodi Foster becomes a vigilante and takes matter on to her own hands.

You wonder how people cope after being brutally assaulted and I remember one of our own, here in the staff of J!-ENT who was a victim of an assault twice near the BART system.

The first time, he was beaten by a group of men who carried a baseball bat and hit him and punched him until he was down and they left just laughing as if they just won a game.

Of course, he chalks it up as being in the wrong place at the wrong time and of course, police told him there was no chance of them being caught.

His second time was a disgruntled man who didn’t like the fact that when going upstairs near the BART, my friend was directly in front of him and cussed at my friend for being in his way.  The man didn’t appreciate it and threatened him with a gun and teased that he could shoot him.

Of course, there are people who have been victimized much worse and I often wondered how many of these victims turn out to be like an Erica Bain.  Living in fear and wondering if they can go out again.

Granted, the story of “The Brave One” is just a bit much as Erica Bain becomes a vigilante that is reminiscent of The Punisher.

She takes on the filth on the streets but the head detective on the case is on pursuit of the vigilante, not knowing that the reporter that interviewed him for a radio show is the actual vigilante.

This by no means is an action film in a Punisher-esque style of way.  It’s about a woman who has been victimized and going through severe post-traumatic stress and in a unhealthy way, has found herself walking the streets (with a gun) at night and hoping someone bad to come to her, so she can exact revenge on them.

There is an interesting parallel to the manga/anime series “Death Note” as people are very supportive of the vigilante who is taking on the filth and the police and detective who go after her.  But the difference is where Kira plays god, Erica Bain has troubles of dealing with what she has done and when that urge to rid more filth of the street starts to consume her.

The film is very interesting as it shows a female vigilante as opposed to a Charles Bronson, Clint Eastwood type of character.  Jodi Foster did a very good job as a victim-turned-vigilante.

If there were anything about the film that I felt was not needed is to see a badly beaten Foster/Andrews and then show short clips of the two nude and making love.  This was at the beginning of the film but felt it was not need.

But all in all, the film was what I expected from what I have seen from the trailer.  A very good performance by Foster.  As for the ending, in a way, I can say that I was expecting something similar to happen.  Not sure if it’s cliche but overall, a good film.