The one about Christmas and Transformers

Ahh, today is Christmas and as a parent, the excitement from a child to open up his presents is quite enjoyable. When I was much younger, growing up there were a lot young children in the house and my parents were the type that would buy is the “socks” and “underwear” for Christmas and my grandmother was the type to buy us the “good” presents.

I remember being young and getting a Star Trek Enterprise case with three action figures, a Star Wars Death Star, a GI Joe VAMP with Clutch and my favorite were the Shogun Warriors.

My son, is a big Transformers fan. Huge Transformers fan. And throughout the year he has been groveling about wanting the “Roll Out” Optimus Prime ala Transformers Animated. Being a toy geek myself and owning my share of Transformers from when I was young and others I picked up throughout the years, I can understand.

Even my sister’s son and my brother’s son have also become addicted to Transformers and so, it’s been an all out Transformers year for birthdays and now Christmas

Have a great Christmas holiday everyone!