The Joy Behar Show: The Real Housewives Get Real

It’s a sad day for Bravo’s Real Housewives.  Real Housewife of NYC Jill Zarin, tells Joy Behar Show guest host E.D. Hill she’s embarrassed by some of the bad behavior she sees on reality TV–even on her own “Real Housewives” franchise and the bar keeps getting raised for cast members to be mean.  Here’s what Jill had to say:

“A lot of the scenes on the reality shows, they’re not staged, but I wouldn’t be friends with some of the girls on my show had we not been cast on a reality show.  And we have to travel together and be together and what really happens between us is real, but I wouldn’t be friends with them so there wouldn’t be any meaness. It’s just when you’re thrown in together that these things happen.”

The discussion was very timely given today’s news that Real Housewife of Beverly Hills Taylor Armstrong’s estranged husband was just found dead of an apparent suicide. Russell Armstrong’s lawyer, Ronald Richards, said the pressure to “appear” rich became too overwhelming for his client. Here’s a short clip from tonight’s very compelling interview:

Hill asked if the Armstrongs were having financial problems, here’s what Russell’s lawyer had to say:

They spend money to support an economic status that is non-existent. And they also try to, “Keep up with the Joneses” and with the other couples on the show to see who can outspend each other and do something more “made for TV” and it turns out to become a huge financial burden.”