TBS cancels “Lopez Tonight”

Another surprise cancellation this week, TBS has decided to cancel “Lopez Tonight”.

A spokesman for TBS said, “TBS has reached the difficult decision not to order a third season of Lopez Tonigh.  We are proud to have partnered with George Lopez, who is an immensely talented comedian and entertainer. TBS has valued its partnership with George and appreciates all of his work on behalf of the network, both on and off the air.”

<div style=”display:none”> George Lopez at the premiere of “The Smurfs”. (NYC)</div><div style=”float: center; margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px;”> <script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://fotoglif.com/embed/Embed.js?imagehash=8nud0fx2r72d&pubhash=ms10fw2fsc3s&creator=Raoul Gatchalian %2FStarmax%2FFotoglif&width=468″></script> </div>