Will anyone intervene when a waiter suggests low calorie items instead of fattening foods to an overweight costumer? What if you saw an interracial couple being harassed or a parent refusing to buy a toy for their child that some might consider gender inappropriate? Some cases seem to cry out for action — while others seem to present a choice. What would YOU do?

Using hidden cameras, “What Would You Do?” establishes everyday scenarios and then captures people’s reactions. Whether people are compelled to act or mind their own business, John Qui–ones reports on their split-second and often surprising decision-making process. “Primetime: What Would You Do?” airs FRIDAY, JANUARY 21 (9:00-10:03 p.m., ET) on ABC.

This week’s scenarios include:

* Overweight Customer: What will happen when an overweight customer orders fattening, unhealthy items and her waiter, instead, suggests low calorie alternatives? Will other customers support the waiter, or will they empathize with the overweight customer?

* Interracial Couple: Will anyone take a stand when an interracial couple is harassed by fellow bar patrons?

* Food Stamps: When a woman using food stamps is informed she does not have enough left in her monthly allowance to cover the cost of her groceries, will someone step in to help her?

* Gender Appropriate Toys: The decision recently made public by two mothers to allow their five-year-old boys to wear dresses has stirred up debate over gender stereotypes and public perceptions. What will happen at a toy store when parents tell their children not to play with toys some consider inappropriate for their gender? Will anyone come to the children’s defense? We will also see what happens when the boys want to dress up as princesses.

“Primetime: What Would You Do?” has won awards from the Chicago International Television Festival, and the Avon Foundation’s 2006 Voice of Change award for exposing “injustice and wrongdoing against women and bringing the message of domestic violence to the mainstream.” The Columbia Journalism Review has called the program “a Candid Camera of Ethics.”

David Sloan is executive producer and Danielle Baum Rossen is the senior broadcast producer of “What Would You Do?”