Lindsay Lohan sentenced to 30 Days in Jail

Lindsay Lohan’s parole violation took place today and the judge has sentenced Lindsay Lohan to 30 days in jail, but due to overcrowding in Los Angeles, the sentence will more than likely be five days according to prosecutors.  Lohan will have to surrender on November 9th.

Lindsay Lohan appears on a probation violation at the Airport Branch Courthouse in Los Angeles on November 2, 2011. UPI/Mario Anzuoni/Pool

Prosecutors said Lohan has not taken her probation seriously and cancelled 14 of the 19 psychiatric sessions and leaving early in three of the five appointments.  Also, at the women’s shelter where she was to serve her probabation, Lohan did not attend 12 of the 20 scheduled shifts.

This time Judge Sautner was not so pleased with Lohan and gave her by December 14th to serve 12 days at the morgue as part of her community service and also to attend four psychiatric sessions.