LEGO MINIFIGURE YEAR BY YEAR: A VISUAL HISTORY by Gregory Farshtey with Daniel Lipkowitz (A J!-ENT LEGO Book Review)




BY: Gregory Farshtey with Daniel Lipkowitz

Price: $40.00

Company: DK

Availability: Available Now

Hardcover: 256 pages

When it comes to LEGO books showcasing minifigures, DK has made many books showcasing LEGO minifigures from a series, to showing various types of LEGO minifigures made.

But in 2013, DK released a book that many fans have been waiting for and that is a visual history of LEGO, year by year.

It’s important to note that with the number of releases LEGO has each year, in terms of minifigures included in many types of sets, that not all minifigures are going to show up.
Also, because the book was released in 2013, the years covered in the book are from 1978 through 2013.

And also, DK is know for including LEGO Minifigures, you get three with this book, with the townsperson, Stormtrooper and a robber.

It’s also important to note that if you buy this NEW, to make sure you buy it from a reputable store and if buying USED, to know that you may get a version of the book which does not come with the minifigures.

The book kicks off with how the minifigures were brought to life and a lot of factoids that went into the creation of the first LEGO minifigure and the precursor to it, such as the LEGO Family. Also, by separating of what is a minifigure and what is not a LEGO minifigure (such as the LEGO skeleton, the LEGO Star Wars Battle Droid and the LEGO Friends mini doll).

The book also goes into how LEGO minifigures are made and the brainstorming sessions at the LEGO offices in Billund, Denmark.

The book features a timeline to show how LEGO minifigures have evolved throughout the years and then going into a visual breakdown of LEGO’s year-by-year.

For me, I absolutely love this book for the fact it showcases the various types of LEGO minifigures produced with small factoids printed next to the figure.

The book does go into various LEGO series released that year, such as LEGO TOWN, LEGO STAR WARS, LEGO HARRY POTTER, LEGO CYCLE TEAM, LEGO SPIDER-MAN, LEGO DC UNIVERSE, LEGO LEGENDS OF CHIMA , LEGO minifigures (the ones included in mystery bags) and more.

The book points out the variants available and those that came with DK books.

Overall, for those who are looking for a really good visual history of LEGO minifigures, this is the best book to buy! Recommended!