Kristen Stewart apologizes for comment to British Elle Magazine

Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner Attend Q&A Session

When Kristen Stewart was describing her situation about being followed by the paparazzi to British Elle Magazine, the actress said, “The photos are so … I feel like I’m looking at someone being raped. A lot of the time I can’t handle it. I never expected that this would be my life.”

But quickly, several people were outraged about her comment.

Stewart has apologized for her words to PEOPLE Magazine. Stewart said, “I really made an enormous mistake – clearly and obviously. And I’m really sorry about my choice of words. I’ve made stupid remarks before, and I’ve always reasoned: ‘Whatever. They can think what they want. Violated definitely would have been a better way of expressing the thought. People thinking that I’m insensitive about this subject rips my guts out. I made a big mistake.”