Janet Jackson – Design of a Decade 1986/1996 (a J!-ENT World Groove Classic Album Review)

“For Janet Jackson fans, to have a large number of her hit songs was just amazing.  My favorite Janet Jackson album release from 1986-1996.”

ARTIST: Janet Jackson

ALBUM: Design of a Decade 1986/1996


DURATION: 1:15:20

RELEASE DATE: October 10, 1995

  1. Runaway
  2. What Have You Done For Me Lately
  3. Nasty
  4. When I Think of You
  5. Escapade
  6. Miss You Much
  7. Love Will Never Do (Without You)
  8. Alright
  9. Control
  10. The Pleasure Principle
  11. Black Cat
  12. Rhythm nation
  13. That’s the Way Love Goes
  14. Come Back to Me
  15. Let’s Wait Awhile
  16. Twenty Foreplay

It’s so great to listen to this album again.  I absolutely adored Janet Jackson’s music and I can remember purchasing the vinyls and listening to the songs and the remixes and just blasting the music from my garage and really ticking off my neighbors.

But I also remember how my friends and I were just amazed were onstage presence, her cool music videos and just how sexy she was and I admit that I was head over heels with Janet Jackson.  Remember that music video for “The Pleasure Principle”?  Wow!

As for this compilation album “Design of a Decade 1986/1996”, the music features a songs released from the following full length albums “Control”, “Rhythm nation 1814” and a song from her “Janet” album spanning over a decade worth of music.

From her 10th CD single “What Have You Done For Me Lately” from 1986 up to her 1995 hit single  “Runway”.

Even though this album is over a decade old, there are tracks that still stand strong even today despite its age.  Probably the song that I have listened to over a zillion times is her hit CD single “That’s the Way Love Goes” which debuted at #1, featured a sexy video and just a groove and beat that you just can help but fall in love with.  The sultry vocals of Janet Jackson and that hypnotic groove ceases to get told for me.

The old school slow ballad “Let’s Wait Awhile” sounds as beautiful now as it did back in 1987 and if anything, quite nostalgic of my teenage years and definitely had a positive message within its lyrics.  Along with “Let’s Wait Awhile” was the 1990 slow jam “Come Back to Me”, which has that early 90s style of music, especially with the percussion but nonetheless, still is a beautiful ballad to listen to.

Playing classic hits such as “Nasty” and “Control” still sounds just as good as it was back then and it’s hard to believe it’s been over 20 years when these songs have come out.  Including 1989 hit “Rhythm nation”, who could forget the outfit and choreography from that whole album?

Now, was this album perfect?  Granted, they fit a lot of songs within the CD’s 80 minutes but I wish “Where Are You Now” was included and I’m sure others hoped there were more singles from her album “Janet” included on the album.  So, for some who prefer the later hits may have wished for inclusion of those songs on “Design of a Decade”.

I love this album!  I grew up with her hit songs and you get 15 of her classic hits on one CD plus a newer track with “Twenty Foreplay”.  But if you are a fan of Janet Jackson and wanted all those old school hits from the mid 80s up to the mid 90s, you can’t go wrong with “Design of a Decade 1986/1996″.

And I’m sure you can find this CD online for a great price these days at under a dollar (cheaper than one mp3).  Definitely an album worth owning if you love Janet Jackson’s music.

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