For Bad Boys Only (A J!-ENT DVD Review)


DVD reviewed by Dennis A. Amith
CAST: Ekin Cheng, Louis Koo, Kristy Yeung, Shu Qui, Daniel Chan and more.
DIRECTED BY: Manfred Wong
TYPE OF MOVIE: Romance, Action
DURATION: 101 minutes
NOTE:  Reviewed Universe DVD version with removable English subtitles (All Region).

King and Jack are experts in finding lovers of first love for their clients. One day, a young guy, a man of concealed identity, and Taiwan’s richest business tycoon ask King and Jack to look for their first lovers. To King and Jack’s astonishment, the women all look like the same ……


*  English/Chinese removable subtitles
*  Synopsis and cast info. + two trailers (Marooned and Queen of Kowloon) and making of (with selection of subtitles).

KNOWN DVD SECRET(S): None that I know of


A very interesting movie about three men who love women differently (one for the sake of quick love, one looking for Ms. Perfection and the other who will love the girl of his dreams no matter what), the Charlie’s Angels like storyline (but with two guys and one girl) and then the storyline about illegal cloning which makes one interesting storyline “For Bad Boys Only” which is the name of the detective company.

This movie is very hip and entertaining to watch.  The CG graphics may turn people off who had enough of it (you will see Matrix special effects in this movie).

For this movie, I’m amazed at how much Shu Qui has grown as an actress and in this movie, she has to play multiple roles.

As for the DVD, the audio is very good and the selection of language has an International selection which features dialogue in Chinese, Japanese, English, etc.  Perhaps this was meant to be release stateside like Gen-X Cops.  Also, the DVD has two trailers and a making of which Universe added a selection for subtitles (YES!)

All in all a pretty cool movie.  It’s not meant to be taken seriously but to sit back and enjoy.  Check it out!