dorlis – swingin’ singin’ playin’ (a J!-ENT World Groove Album Review)

“Featuring several hits by the sexy classic duo that captivated listeners in the 70’s not just in Japan but also in the US”

ARTIST: dorlis

ALBUM: swingin’ singin’ playin’

LABEL: Rhythm Zone



RELEASE DATE: June 25, 2008

  1. 水平線と夕焼けと片思い feat.Likkle Mai
  2. はじまりのリズム
  3. 恋のバトルスティック feat.JABBERLOOP
  4. 運命のルーレット
  5. 市民プール 〜swingin’ singin’ playin’ ver.〜
  6. マーブルの月〜swingin’ singin’ playin’ ver.〜
  7. ひとりごとみたいにアイシテタ 〜swingin’ singin’ playin’ ver.〜
  8. マリポーサ 〜swingin’ singin’ playin’ ver.〜

The fifth album from dorlis marks a new beginning for the swing-inspired music artist with a move to the urban rhythm zone label.

For those not familiar with dorlis, the artist has an interesting musical history as a young woman inspired by music and quit high school and hitchhiked and played her jazz and swing style of music via acoustic guitar on the streets of Japan.

Eventually she was discovered by a scout for producer and music artist Matsubara Ken (who is known for spotting other artists such as Misia, Hirai Ken and BoA) and back in 2002, was on her first label.

Eventually she was on the Victor Entertainment label for several years until most recently now moving on to the rhythm zone label.

With her fifth album “swingin’ singin’ playin'”, the new album features a few new songs and songs previously released but in a “swingin’ singin’ playin’ version”.

And like previous albums, dorlis wrote all lyrics and music and performed the acoustic guitar in each track.

The first track ” 水平線と夕焼けと片思い” featuring Likkle Mai (a reggae artist) featured a jazz style with drum, bass, guitar and piano and a ukulele are used. Combining the music with dorlis smooth vocals comes out quite beautiful and enjoyable.

The second track ” はじまりのリズム” features another jazz style of track with a hint of swing.

The third track ” 恋のバトルスティック” features another collaboration with jazz artist JABBERLOOP. A faster paced jazz track which utilizes brass horns and a style which is more funky jazz.

The fourth track ” 運命のルーレット” is another fun jazz track but has a different feel compared to the other tracks because its utilization of violin and the accordion. The song has a French-like atmosphere which I found refreshing and enjoyable.

And the fifth through eighth tracks are all dorlis acoustic guitar-driven tracks of previous CD singles and albums such as ” マーブルの月” and ” マリポーサ”.

Also, there is a musical video included of ” 水平線と夕焼けと片思い feat.Likkle Mai” but no DVD but an MPG that is on the CD itself.

The music video is an artistic video featuring dorlis performing with her guitar and picture frames of video float around in a photo book style, magical feel to it.

Also there is a second video. Right after the music video is a live performance of dorlis jamming on the acoustic guitar performing ” マリポーサ” and very good to see that this was included because you can see her actual fingerwork. Very cool performance and was great to see the actual close up of her fingers playing the acoustic guitar for that cool intro of “Mariposa”!

The videos are on one single ten minute MPG file.

The CD insert features the lyrics and like previous albums, the artwork of Maeda Yuka. Also included is a promotional flyer for July releases on the rhythm zone label

Overall this mini-album is definitely refreshing to listen to. If you are open to jazz and acoustic guitar driven music, dorlis definitely has a lot to offer.

She’s a very talented artist with beautiful, smooth vocals and cool music.

It was good to see the a music video included on the CD but also for the inclusion of “Mariposa” because viewers can see her awesome fingerwork on the acoustic guitar.

All in all, a very cool album and I highly enjoyed the overall atmosphere of dorlis music for “swingin’ singing’ playin'”. I definitely recommend this mini-album to jazz/swing or acoustic guitar-genre music fans.