Debut CG of Titan Siege is now released on E3

Titan Siege a 3D MMORPG game quietly developed by Chengdu Storm Totem Studio, a subsidiary under BL Tech. The game is based on Western legends with splendid graphics. The story mixed the legends from Northern Europe, Greece and Egypt…, demonstrating the struggles between two Titan parties, the Domination and the Destruction. This game toppled the traditional routine of legend games and followed the theme of “Human’s counterattack against Titans”. The players perform as mercenaries when first entering the game. They gained the insights after being used by Titans and set up a counterattack so as to protect the human world from Titan’s disaster-ridden dominance.

According to the released pictures and videos, Titan Sieges shows delicate but magnificent graphic effects, which perfectly restore the realistic perception of the original designs. As an unique great work of 3D western-style game, Titan Siege is run by a totally self-developed engine, equipped with 3D seamless maps (true 3D). The whole game including the server is based on 3D logic: the characters could reach any places by swimming or flying; Delayed rendering, dynamic shadows and volume illumination were applied to produce the extra far visual effect and realistic pictures. Besides the traditional fixed instance, pet battles and siege craft, the game also offers specific random instances. The players would be sent into a mysterious space if the entrance of the random instance was activated during monster hunting. In the boss war, the coordination and cooperation among various jobs highly matter. The success usually requires a great group work.

In Titan Siege, the players could take the role of a desireless traveler, a rich businessman, a mysterious item collector, a legendry hero, a leader of NPCs or even an evil demon. Your character’s life path is completely up to your choice. The gorgeous images perfectly restored the ancient civilization; the free-connected story line enhanced the attraction. The holy spirit has woken up. The anger of Titans drops to the human world. The ancient legends are going to relay. Pick up the sword and you will be the next hero! Titan Siege may appear to be a milestone of the self-developed client-end games in Chengdu and China.

Besides Titan Siege, COG is exhibiting the following games in E3: War of Glory, Pigod, King of the Swordsmen, Demon Hunting, Dreamy Spirit and Soul of Iron.