aegis (a J!-ENT Skimboard DVD Review)

“My first skimboarding DVD that I purchased that featured really awesome and gnarly video footage of random skimboard shots.  From really trippy aerials to skimboarders just messin’ around and having fun!  One of the better skimboard DVD’s out there!”


FILM: aegis

COMPANY: Laguna Skate & Surf


DURATION: 48 minutes

Produced by


Bill Bryan, George Bryan, Brad Evers, Aaron Peluso, Andy Chiavetta, Erik Christensen, Jeff Gomez, Grady Archbold, Miles Grobman, Paulo Prietto, Mike Stanaland, Dominic Prietto and many more!

Some have called’s debut skimboarding video the best skim flick yet.  Buy a copy now and decide for yourself!  Aegis features more riders than any other skim video.  It also includes more locations than your average skim video with footage from as far away as France.  The unprecedented use of a water camera at spots like the wedge provides for some really great shots that everyone should see.  Buy one today and see what the hype is all about.

One of my favorite skimboard online communities that I used to venture into was Aaron Peluso’s  Featuring a pretty cool community of skimboarders, the site had it’s first DVD release featuring a lot of talented skimboarders from Aaron, Paulo Prietto, Andy Chiavetta and many others.

I’ve not seen a skimboard film or DVD since most of my surfing DVD’s were typically shortboard-based.  But with my interest in the sport and even skimboarding myself, I definitely would get pumped by watching people skimboard.

“aegis” is pretty much a DVD featuring a variety of skimboarders and video clips showcasing them skimboarding in California’s Laguna Beach, Florida, Hawaii, FRANCE and a variety of areas across the world.

You get a lot of cool music and a collage of video segments of people just rippin’.  You get a few shortboard and skating shots but it’s pretty much the cool skimboard shots and people just having fun.

There is no director but several dozen people contributing their skimboarding film for this DVD.  So, you get a lot of fun clips of skimboarders from the past and some other crazy situations.


The video is shot with a variety of different cameras.  From digital to standard 8mm it seems.  But all in all, the focus on this video was pretty much showcase some of the skimboard talents and help promote skimboarding.   Very little dialogue, mainly all music .


The DVD features on bonus feature which is a 2:26 video featuring additional skimboarding footage.

All in all, “aegis” is a pretty cool DVD.  Pretty much respect Aaron Peluso and the other guys who helped promote the sport and even managed to turn their passion into a business.  An older skimboard DVD from 2002 but still manages to include so much footage with contribution with dozens upon dozens of skimboarders and film contributors.  So, this DVD was pretty much a cool collaborative effort and pretty fun to watch!