J!-ENT’s Dennis A. Amith interviews Hangry & Angry

Hangry & Angry recently announced that they will be performing at Sakura Con in Seattle in April 2009.  I had the opportunity to briefly interview the duo in regards to their upcoming performance and a few other things.

For those who are not familiar with Hangry & Angry, these are the persona characters of former Morning Musume members Hitomi Yoshizawa and Rika Ishikawa.  Hangry & Angry is a group that came from the Planet Nebula and rode their time machine aka “Love Machine”.  The concept is around the clothing line created by designer H. Naoto, illustrations by Gashicon and their music video “Kill Me Kiss Me” performance is supervised by Shazna lead vocalist IZAM and designs .  You can watch the music video here:

Their mini-album “Kill Me Kiss Me” was simultaneously released in Japan and in the USA (courtesy of JapanFiles.com).

A special thanks to JapanFiles.com and J!-ENT’s Michelle Tymon for translations work.